Unconventional Officer Commands San Francisco's Tenderloin Station

SFPD's Capt. Gary Jimenez isn't your typical cop. He can be unconventional, blunt and offbeat. He's come up with some comments that left the higher-ups wincing. He's also got some ideas - like his recent suggestion to start a Tenderloin safe injection center where drug addicts could shoot up under medical supervision - that have residents sputtering in opposition.

Two years ago, right before Halloween, San Francisco Police Captain Gary Jimenez was put in charge of the Tenderloin Station.

Was that a trick or a treat?

Certainly, Jimenez isn't your typical cop. He can be unconventional, blunt and offbeat. He's come up with some comments that left the higher-ups wincing. He's also got some ideas - like his recent suggestion to start a Tenderloin safe injection center where drug addicts could shoot up under medical supervision - that have residents sputtering in opposition.

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