Ecumenical Panel Will Investigate Oakland SWAT Tragedy

A board that will include law enforcement experts from across the state and the nation will conduct a "complete review" of the March 21 fatal shootings of four police officers, the Oakland Tribune reports.

A board that will include law enforcement experts from across the state and the nation will conduct a "complete review" of the March 21 fatal shootings of four police officers, the Oakland Tribune reports.

The Board of Inquiry, as it is being called, will be led by Oakland police Capt. Benson Fairow.

Fatally shot March 21 were Officer John Hege and Sgt. Mark Dunakin, and SWAT Sgts. Erv Romans and Daniel Sakai. They were all killed by parolee Lovelle Mixon, who was shot dead by police after the SWAT team stormed an apartment in which he was hiding.

Capt. Ed Tracey remains in charge of SWAT operations. Acting Police Chief Howard Jordan expressed faith in Tracey's leadership Monday, and Tracey said he is ready to lead SWAT operations after meeting with his team and his superiors after initially requesting he be relieved of SWAT duties.

Jordan and Tracey discuss the issue a video of the Monday presser, courtesy of

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