A staple section of local newspapers has always been the short crime report items culled from the police blotter. Usually, it's a cub reporter's first job to head to the local substation to jot down pertinent details from the crime reports officers take about mostly petty crimes. Once in awhile, these young reporters submit a suggestion for a headline that squeaks by an overworked, bleary eyed editor. Sometimes, as they say, mistakes were made.
Police Reports Make Humorous Headlines
A staple section of local newspapers has always been the short crime report items culled from the police blotter. Usually, it's a cub reporter's first job to head to the local substation to jot down pertinent details from the crime reports officers take about mostly petty crimes. Once in awhile, these young reporters submit a suggestion for a headline that squeaks by an overworked, bleary eyed editor. Sometimes, as they say, mistakes were made.