Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has called for a new foot pursuit policy to be implemented by the city's police before the start of summer. The statement comes after the fatal police shooting of a 13-year-old armed with a pistol.
Lightfoot and police Superintendent David Brown spoke at New Life Church in the Little Village neighborhood where the incident occurred as part of an event aimed at calming the city ahead of the eventual release of video of the incident, the Chicago Tribune reports.
Lightfoot’s call for police policy changes comes four years after the U.S. Justice Department recommended in a report about CPD’s practices that it adopt a foot pursuit policy. None has been put into place despite concerns about how dangerous foot pursuits can be for the officers and the public.
In 2017, the Justice Department’s investigation into Chicago’s police practices noted that foot pursuits are “inherently dangerous and present substantial risks to officers and the public.”
During Brown’s tenure as the Dallas police chief from 2010 to 2016, that department developed a foot pursuit policy for officers following a controversial officer-involved shooting in 2012. At the time, that policy prohibited Dallas police officers from engaging suspects alone during foot chases, but the policy was relaxed a few years later.