Tom WetzelFrom Tom WetzelPatrolCleanup on Aisle Four: Policing in America TodayHopefully, as people appreciate and understand what their public servants do for them on a 24/7 basis, more of them will appreciate police officers for what most of them are — good people who want to help others.August 16, 2018PatrolRestoring the DreamWhen Dr. Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream" speech in Washington, D.C., black Americans were particularly suspicious of police officers and with good reason. Fifty years later, I suspect that many are now just as suspicious of us. That's a failure within the law enforcement community that demands a remedy.September 4, 2013PatrolAn Empathetic Reminder During Police WeekAs Americans watch their police officers throughout the country remember fallen peers during National Police Week, we should look for ways to develop a deeper relationship between the "server" and the "served."May 12, 2013Vehicle OpsAdding Alley Lights to Police CruisersIt's been my experience that the alley lights on police cruisers are among the most underutilized tools in law enforcement. That's a shame because proper use of alley lights can make you a more effective crime fighter.March 19, 2013TrainingLast-Ditch Impact Weapon TrainingWhat happens if a suspect has closed in on you to a point where you do not have time to clear a handgun jam, replace an ECD cartridge, or re-holster a canister of OC spray? Training to use your force option tools as impact weapons may help prepare you for such an encounter and could help stop or slow an assault against you.December 19, 2012PatrolHow To Honor Fallen OfficersThese officers who made the great sacrifice of their lives in service to others are treasures whose life experiences offer examples of how to live and work.December 4, 2012TrainingDefense Against Standing Choke HoldsIf a suspect is trying to choke you, you are in a deadly force encounter and accessing your handgun would be appropriate. But depending on what direction the bad guy assaults you from and the accuracy of your shot placement, your gun may not always provide the best immediate option.August 28, 2012PatrolFour Ways To Build Trust After Trayvon MartinThe Trayvon Martin tragedy has made it clear that the relationship between many African Americans and officers is still based on suspicion and mistrust. Despite so much progress, a small crack of a possible action or inaction from a single officer or agency quickly brings on a national torrent of anger and frustration.April 5, 2012TrainingSurviving Foot PatrolThe benefits of foot beats are many and this type of patrol should be a fundamental aspect in any community policing model. But after being directed to an assigned area or neighborhood to walk, an officer and his or her department should have sound strategies in place for how best to accomplish this mission in a safe and productive manner.November 17, 2011TrainingCountering In-Car AttacksAn assault could involve someone shooting into your patrol car or an assailant at the driver's window physically attacking you. Increased awareness and in-car self-defense training and tactical driving practice can help prepare you for this type of attack.June 19, 2011Page 1 of 2Next Page