Dave GeorgeFrom Dave GeorgeTechnologyThe Future of Law Enforcement CommunicationsAs a technologist, it’s my opinion that agencies will soon be able to receive much more tactical/situational information from all active incidents, including verbal transmissions, without ever touching a communications device.May 2, 2018TechnologyHow First-Responder Communications are EvolvingThe emergence of simultaneous LMR and LTE capabilities, along with PTT apps on smartphones, tablets and WiFi-only devices, opens up a world of potential new products such as more robust phones for industrial use, dual- or triple-band radios with LTE phones built inside, possibly even with a USB port on the side for uploading data.May 9, 2016TechnologyFour Important Communication Technology Trends For 2015Cellular convergence and the importance of end-user application guided the development of nearly half of Pryme’s new product introductions for 2015.June 2, 2015Page 1 of 1