Los Angeles Police Protective LeagueFrom Los Angeles Police Protective LeaguePatrolLos Angeles Police Commission Tells Officers to Run Away, or ElseIt sure must be easy to talk about “redeploying” an officer’s position while sipping a Diet Coke or bottled water while sitting in a police-guarded, air-conditioned room, in a cushy office chair, watching the events unfold in slow motion on a big-screen TV.September 22, 2016PatrolWhy Chief Beck Failed UsOn Monday, Chief Beck chose to put politics above fairness by shouting from the rooftops to every media outlet in the nation that the District Attorney should file criminal charges against LAPD Officer Clifford Proctor.January 15, 2016PatrolLAPD's New and Very Dangerous HonorThis award will prioritize the lives of suspected criminals over the lives of LAPD officers, and goes against the core foundation of an officer’s training.November 13, 2015PatrolLos Angeles Police Union on TarantinoTarantino may feel misunderstood, but make no mistake. He is a highly talented and accomplished screenwriter who knew exactly what he was doing in joining the demonstration and condemning police officers.November 6, 2015PatrolPutting Officer-Involved Shootings in Los Angeles in PerspectiveThe precise circumstances that lead to each OIS are unique, except that in every instance, the officers involved made split-second, life-and-death decisions based on their perception that their own lives or those of others were in danger.August 17, 2015PatrolWhy Did Ezell Ford Attack LAPD Officers?A bench warrant for Ford’s arrest was outstanding at the time of his interaction with the LAPD officers. Ford had previously been convicted of stealing a car in Santa Barbara court, and was on probation in January of last year when he pleaded guilty to trespass in Los Angeles court. As a result, the Santa Barbara court revoked Ford’s probation and issued a warrant for his arrest.July 9, 2015PatrolHow Can You Trust the Judgment of a Police Commission That Applies the Wrong Legal Standard?The Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners’ act of finding one officer in the Ezell Ford shooting case “out of policy” for shooting Ford as he tried to take the officer’s gun is a bizarre, ill-considered decision that demonstrates the Commission’s complete misunderstanding and erroneous application of case law, and will have terrible public safety consequences. When an officer has to choose whether or not to be proactive at the risk of possibly losing his or her career, we can only assume theJune 15, 2015PatrolGun Grabs Are Deadly Serious Even if Suspect UnarmedAccording to the FBI, since 2000, at least 57 police officers have been killed by their own weapons, which were taken away and used against them by suspects. So, again, the answer to the unnamed writer in the Times question is simple: if you take or attempt to take an officer's weapon, expect the officer to defend themselves.March 5, 2015PatrolGun Grabs Are Deadly Serious Even if Suspect UnarmedAccording to the FBI, since 2000, at least 57 police officers have been killed by their own weapons, which were taken away and used against them by suspects. So, again, the answer to the unnamed writer in the Times question is simple: if you take or attempt to take an officer's weapon, expect the officer to defend themselves.March 5, 2015PatrolFine Line Between Lawful and Unlawful ProtestsThere will always be issues and decisions that every citizen may not agree with – it is simply the nature of who we are as Americans.December 15, 2014Page 1 of 3Next Page