Donald MihalekFrom Donald MihalekSWATHardening Physical TargetsWith the exception of the military-related attacks at Fort Hood and the Washington Navy Yard, terrorists and criminals are more likely to assault a facility where resistance is minimal—a "soft" target.September 30, 2013SWATWhat LE Can Learn From the Kenya Mall AttackThese types of attacks illustrate the pattern that terrorists are committed to inflicting death and destruction anywhere to generate headlines and rally other lunatics to their cause. They are prepared to do anything to win.September 26, 2013Special UnitsCan Mumbai Come to America?The failure of any law enforcement agency to equip and train its personnel, and help its officers prepare to manage a large-scale terror or active shooter event is a recipe for failure.August 5, 2013VehiclesArmored Rescue Vehicles: Mobile Force MultipliersArmored vehicles are a mobile force multiplier for law enforcement, and in this extremely violent era, they are essential equipment.August 5, 2013Page 1 of 1