Shawn HughesFrom Shawn HughesSpecial UnitsHow to Become a Bomb TechMuch is known about many of law enforcement’s special teams: dive team, air watch, SWAT. In contrast, the hazardous devices team of your department (if you have one) is one that has intentionally kept itself out of the limelight, for good reason.April 30, 2006PatrolPoisoning the WellQuick. Short of a nuclear detonation, think of the worst possible terrorist attack that you can imagine.August 31, 2005Special UnitsAnxiety AttackAs terrorists continue to expand their knowledge base, their capability to unleash weapons of mass destruction on the American public moves from the realm of fictional thrillers to all-too-real concerns for public safety.August 31, 2004Special UnitsRespirator RoundupThere are many respirators out there for police officers to choose from. Here are some of the best units available that meet the special needs of the police officer.February 29, 2004Special UnitsGas Masks and Air PacksWhile actually known by professionals as Air Purifying Respirators (APRs) and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatuses (SCBAs), gas masks and air packs, once only found with specialized units, are fast becoming a staple in the patrol officer and first responder's gear bag.February 29, 2004Special UnitsHow to...Start a WMD UnitIn the days following 9/11, many citizens wondered aloud if their local public safety agencies were prepared to protect them if their communities were attacked. Unfortunately, until recently, the answer to that question was often, No.August 31, 2003Special UnitsPreparing for the WorstLess than two years ago, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) such as gas, viruses, and nukes were mostly the stuff of Tom Clancy novels, not the everyday concern of the nation’s law enforcement. But that was before 9/11.January 31, 2003PatrolPreparing for the Worst: WMD ChartJanuary 31, 2003Page 1 of 1