Bob ParkerMore from Bob ParkerSWATDomestic Hostage Barricade: The AnswerWith this SWAT blog, we're answering a question proposed in the earlier blog, "Domestic Hostage Barricade: What Would You Do?" You told us how you would handle the scenario of a suspect who has taken his ex-girlfriend hostage in a residence. Now, we'll give you the actual outcome from the incident.June 3, 2012SWATDomestic Hostage Barricade: What Would You Do?An ex-boyfriend holds a female hostage at gunpoint as deputies decide whether to enter the house or contain, control, and call SWAT. Tell us how you would handle the situation by adding a comment below.May 8, 2012SWAT5 Drills To Improve Weapon HandlingThese five range drills will improve your shooting, moving, weapon manipulation, reloading, and transitioning from one weapon to another. To up the ante, use a stopwatch to time the drill to improve stress inoculation.March 7, 2012WeaponsHow the North Hollywood Shootout Changed Patrol ArsenalsOn the 15th anniversary of one of the fiercest gun battles in modern law enforcement history, patrol officers are much better armed, equipped, and trained than they were in 1997.February 27, 2012SWAT5 (More) Active Shooter Training ScenariosIn an earlier blog post, we presented five training scenarios to help your team better prepare to meet the threat of the active shooter, or active killer if you prefer. Here are five additional training scenarios.January 11, 2012SWAT5 Active Shooter Training ScenariosStaying ready to meet the threat of an active shooter should be one of the primary goals of your tactical unit. With that in mind, let's cover five training scenarios to sharpen your saw.December 28, 2011SWATThe High Cost of a Dynamic EntryIn an earlier blog post, we asked you to consider a scenario and decide whether to forcibly enter a residence to remove a high-risk suspect. Here's how the scenario played out and what lessons can be learned.September 29, 2011SWATIs Dynamic Entry Worth the Risk?We have the signed no-knock. Do we serve it by initiating a dynamic entry? Or do we explore other options to take the suspect into custody and secure the evidence?August 23, 2011SWATActive Shooter at Nursing Home: The AnswerWith this SWAT blog, we're answering a question proposed in the earlier blog, "Active Shooter at Nursing Home: Engage or Wait for Backup?" You told us how you would handle the active-shooter scenario proposed. Now, we'll give you the actual outcome from the incident.June 9, 2011SWATActive Shooter at Nursing Home: Engage or Wait for Backup?With this SWAT blog, we're presenting an active-shooter scenario for your consideration. We'd like to know how you would handle it, so please add your comments below. The scenario is based on an actual incident.May 24, 2011Previous PagePage 2 of 2