Panasonic's new Toughbook CF-18 notebook/pen tablet PC features Intel Centrino mobile technology. Utilizing an ultra-low-voltage Intel Pentium M 900MHz processor with Intel SpeedStep technology, the Toughbook comes in two models: a Windows XP or 2000 notebook/pen tablet convertible and a Windows XP Tablet PC Edition-based notebook. Some features include a 40GB hard drive, 1MB on-die L2 cache, and five-hour runtime from a lithium-ion battery pack.
Toughbook Tablet PC
Panasonic's new Toughbook CF-18 notebook/pen tablet PC features Intel Centrino mobile technology. Utilizing an ultra-low-voltage Intel Pentium M 900MHz processor with Intel SpeedStep technology, the Toughbook comes in two models: a Windows XP or 2000 notebook/pen tablet convertible and a Windows XP Tablet PC Edition-based notebook.
July 31, 2003
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