Spillman mobile solutions empower you to access and share information anytime, anywhere. Reliable wireless communications that are fully integrated with CAD systems promote faster response and reduce radio traffic while enabling mobile patrol to maintain safe, silent contact with base operations. Whether you are making a traffic stop or conducting an interview, you can send queries to your agency's Spillman database, as well as state and national databases, directly from your patrol unit. Communication-securing features, such as instant messaging, prevent criminals and hobby enthusiasts from monitoring your activities with a radio scanner. Using today’s wireless technology, you can use Voiceless Dispatch to free up the radio for emergencies.
Mobile Communications Solution
Spillman mobile solutions empower you to access and share information anytime, anywhere. Reliable wireless communications that are fully integrated with CAD systems promote faster response and reduce radio traffic while enabling mobile patrol to maintain safe, silent contact with base operations.
September 30, 2008
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