
Memex ConTracker Anti-Fraud Software

ConTracker software from Memex provides intelligence support for law enforcement agencies combating fraud and exploitation of federal relief programs. ConTracker is based on the Memex intelligence system, which provides search and analysis tools across existing source databases relevant to criminal investigation. Initially, ConTracker will be focused on the collection, management, analysis, and dissemination of information pertaining to suspected scams related to disaster relief efforts.

ConTracker software from Memex provides intelligence support for law enforcement agencies combating fraud and exploitation of federal relief programs. ConTracker is based on the Memex intelligence system, which provides search and analysis tools across existing source databases relevant to criminal investigation. Initially, ConTracker will be focused on the collection, management, analysis, and dissemination of information pertaining to suspected scams related to disaster relief efforts. With ConTracker, law enforcement agents at federal, state, and local levels will be able to enhance their cooperative efforts in combating scams related to disaster relief efforts. Ultimately, ConTracker is intended to be applied to a wider range of illegal activity such as charitable contribution fraud, gasoline price gouging, and more.

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