Signalscape’s StarWitness Sound Bite is a feature-enhanced software application that allows users to listen to, watch, and filter recorded audio streams to improve the quality of audio evidence. Users can open and play audio files, view them as time-domain waveforms or spectrograms, apply multiple noise-reducing filters to the input stream, and listen to the resulting output. Each filter applied performs a specific noise-reducing operation and can be altered by the user. A demo version is available for review.
Signalscape Audio Forensics Software
Signalscape’s StarWitness Sound Bite is a feature-enhanced software application that allows users to listen to, watch, and filter recorded audio streams to improve the quality of audio evidence. Users can open and play audio files, view them as time-domain waveforms or spectrograms, apply multiple noise-reducing filters to the input stream, and listen to the resulting output.
February 28, 2005
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