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Abalone's compact 3D imaging Face2Face System uses off-the-shelf digital cameras mounted on a stereo bar to take two identical images offset from each other by a few degrees. Combining the two offset images in the computer results in a 3-D image on the screen. Proprietary software can then manipulate the image and show kids the effects of meth on their faces.

Abalone LLC is working with the Mendocino County (Calif.) Sheriff's Office to show children how their faces would age after long-term methamphetamine use. Abalone's compact 3D imaging Face2Face System uses off-the-shelf digital cameras mounted on a stereo bar to take two identical images offset from each other by a few degrees. Combining the two offset images in the computer results in a 3-D image on the screen. Proprietary software can then manipulate the image and show kids the effects of meth on their faces. Abalone LLC donates 10 percent of all sales to the Mendocino Drug Education Program. The company says the system is simple and inexpensive enough to be deployed at airports and other points of entry for facial recognition.

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