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AutoVu Motoscan

Motoscan is a lightweight, low-power, yet fully featured license plate recognition unit that is designed to be easily mounted on a smaller vehicle such as a scooter or small motorbike.

M Genetec Motoscan Side Profile Final Small 1Genetec's AutoVu Motoscan is a new scooter-mounted on-street parking enforcement solution. Designed to help increase parking enforcement efficiency in the traditionally narrow streets of European cities, Motoscan is a lightweight, low-power, yet fully featured license plate recognition unit that is designed to be easily mounted on a smaller vehicle such as a scooter or small motorbike. Equipped with specialized AutoVu ANPR (Automated Number Plate Recognition) cameras mounted on the scooter, the AutoVu Motoscan system automatically scans license plates and sends back the information to the parking authorities’ back-end system to identify parking violations and issue tickets, as required.