
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command Responds to Terrorist Attack

THE PENTAGON -- More than 30 Special Agents from around the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) are directly involved in the FBI led investigation into the terrorist attack on the Pentagon. CID Agents stationed near the Pentagon at Ft. Myer responded to the crash scene within five minutes. Since dawn on Wednesday, two teams comprised of ten agents each have been supporting the recovery effort in 12-hour shifts, 24-hours a day . The agent teams at the Pentagon are split into cells that work Human Remains Recovery, Evidence Collection, mortuary support and rubble analysis. CID also has two agents trained as forensic science officers supporting the Armed Forces Medical Examiner in identifying remains sent from the Pentagon to the Dover Air Force Base Mortuary. Senior CID officials are staffing the Incident Joint Operations Center which coordinates all efforts into the recovery mission. In addition to aiding the recovery effort, CID has the mission to provide executive protection for Department of Defense and Army leaders. In response to the heightened security posture put in place after last Tuesday's attacks, CID's protective services unit has significantly increased the levels of protection for Defense Department leaders. CID has brought dozens of Army Reserve agents to duty to augment the active duty agent force.
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