Monroe, CT (December 28, 2000) - Recognizing the need for forensic scientists and law enforcement personnel who specialize in criminal and civil investigation, apprehension and prosecution to come together under one roof, at one time, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has allocated a travel grant to fund qualified state and local law enforcement and public safety professionals who wish to attend the second annual Forensic Sciences & Crime Scene Technology Conference and Exposition (FRENZY), scheduled to take place at the Washington DC Convention Center, May 14-17, 2001. The educational program and exhibit hall explore the entire range of forensic and investigative technologies, equipment, products and services in a unique networking environment that allows attendees to share real-world information with peers, experts, innovators and educators. The upcoming event has the additional benefit of coinciding with National Police Week, which takes place annually in D.C.
The NIJ grant is intended to help defray airfare and registration expenses for state and local personnel planning to attend FRENZY. Qualifying groups include police, sheriffs, criminalists, and public safety professionals, crime laboratory staff, coroners and medical examiners, fire services, corrections, and members of the bar and bench including judges, prosecutors and public defenders. Speaking on behalf of NIJ, Lisa Forman, Deputy Director, Investigative and Forensic Sciences says, "NIJ is once again making travel funds available for state and local law enforcement and public safety personnel so they can attend FRENZY to learn about the newest technologies for application in the criminal justice system".
As in the past, grants are limited, and will be awarded based on factors such as need, size of agency and geographic location. To assist personnel who do not receive grants, the full conference cost has been reduced to $295. ÊThere may be additional charges for luncheon events. If you are on the FRENZY mailing list, you will receive the full conference brochure in February 2001. To receive the grant application visit or call (888) 737-1224.
For more information on the FRENZY conference and how to obtain a grant application, please visit the web site at, or call the FRENZY offices at (888) 737-1224.