
NYPD Graduates 97 School Safety Agents

Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly presided over a graduation ceremony for 97 new school safety agents. The new agents join an existing force of approximately 5,000 agents and supervisors.

Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly presided over a graduation ceremony for 97 new school safety agents. The new agents join an existing force of approximately 5,000 agents and supervisors.

"In their role as peace officers, school safety agents provide a critical service," Commissioner Kelly said. "They help to ensure the safety of school children, teachers, and administration—so that education is paramount."

Crime is down 18 percent in city schools this year, with criminal incidents involving weapons down 25 percent compared with the same period last school year.

Under "Impact for Schools," school safety agents are concentrated in schools with the greatest number of disruptive incidents. This academic year, crime is down 40 percent in impact schools. 

School Safety Agents are assigned throughout New York City's 1,400 public elementary and high schools. They are trained in police and behavioral sciences including metal detection, visitor control procedure, routine and crisis situations, cultural diversity, tactical communications, and hate crimes. They are also trained in law, physical tactics, and fitness.

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