
Thales Demonstrates Interoperable Communications on Inauguration Day

Thales Communications Inc. provided multiple units of its new multiband, portable radio for the Jan. 20 Presidential Inauguration Day activities. The Liberty software-defined, multiband land mobile radio enhanced operations in Washington, D.C., and the surrounding areas by linking multi-agency communications.

Thales Communications Inc. provided multiple units of its new multiband, portable radio for the Jan. 20 Presidential Inauguration Day activities. The Liberty software-defined, multiband land mobile radio enhanced operations in Washington, D.C., and the surrounding areas by linking multi-agency communications.  

The ability for federal agencies and first responders to communicate with each other during both planned and unplanned events is essential for security, emergency services, and law enforcement. Until now, interoperability across multiple frequency bands required users to carry multiple radios. The Liberty radio, the first multiband land mobile radio for government agencies and first responders, provides the capability to communicate across all of their public safety bands in a single, portable radio.  

This national security event marked the largest attendance in history for a presidential inauguration. It provided a unique opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities of the Liberty radio and to benefit from user feedback in a planned, but real-time, real-life situation.  Users were excited about the way the Liberty radio changed how they communicate and provided positive feedback regarding the radio’s “convenience, functionality, fit, finish, size, weight, and ergonomics.”

“The Liberty radio represents more than 10 years of public safety experience and an unequaled software-defined radio technology base serving the U.S. Department of Defense,” said Mitch Herbets, president and CEO of Thales Communications.  “Communications interoperability is a national priority, and we were proud to be able to step up and provide this critical capability at this very historic event.”

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