EF Johnson Technologies today announced that the quality systems of its Transcrypt International subsidiary's customer service location in Irving, Texas, have been re-certified to the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems standard. ISO 9001 is accepted worldwide as the inclusive international standard that defines quality.
"The certification of compliance with ISO 9001:2000 recognizes that the policies, practices and procedures at our customer service location ensure consistent quality in our voice privacy solutions," said Michael Jalbert, president and chief executive officer of EFJohnson Technologies, Inc. "Earlier this year, we announced the consolidation of our businesses. Part of this consolidation involved a transition of our customer service functions to a single center in Texas. This re-certification further demonstrates our commitment to delivering the highest quality secure communications solutions."
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develops and maintains the ISO 9000 standards, but it does not itself issue ISO 9001:2000 certificates. Certificates are issued independently of ISO by the various national and international certification or registration bodies operating around the world. The company achieved the ISO 9001:2000 quality systems certificate of registration from the National Standards Authority of Ireland, Jalbert added.