
New Mexico Chief Wants Text Tips

The interim chief of the Carlsbad (N.M.) Police Department has introduced a program allowing tipsters to submit anonymous text messages via cell phones to law enforcement agencies.

Although he's operating under the title of "interim" chief of the Carlsbad (N.M.) Police Department, Joey Gonzalez is forging ahead with a slew of proactive crime prevention programs, the Carlsbad Current-Argus reports.

The program that got the most attention from an audience of Kiwanis members last week was called "Text Tips." This program allows tipsters to submit anonymous text messages, via cell phones or personal digital assistants, to participating law enforcement agencies. Most of these agencies are utilizing Text Tips through their Crime Stoppers programs.

The person who witnesses the crime is able to anonymously text the information to the police department by means of an "sms" or "mms" message.

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