
Digital Ally Assists Law Enforcement Agencies With Grants

Digital Ally Inc., which develops, manufactures, and markets advanced video surveillance products for law enforcement, homeland security, and commercial security applications, is prepared to help law enforcement agencies secure funding for equipment purchases under various government programs.

Digital Ally, Inc., which develops, manufactures, and markets advanced video surveillance products for law enforcement, homeland security, and commercial security applications, is prepared to help law enforcement agencies secure funding for equipment purchases under various government programs.

In light of the historically high levels of funding, totaling over $4 billion, allocated to law enforcement under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009, and other programs, law enforcement agencies across the country are finding themselves unsure of what qualifies, what funding is available, and how to access such funding. With deadlines rapidly approaching, Digital Ally, Inc. has been helping its customers find the answers they need.

"Many departments have contacted us to ask what they can apply for and how to go about it, and we have gathered together a wealth of information about these grants to help them out," commented a grant coordinator for Digital Ally. "There is a lot of information out there to digest and understand. We are happy to answer questions and help law enforcement agencies with the application process."

Surveillance equipment and related items, including in-car cameras and other video systems, represent cost-effective purchases for law enforcement when grant funds become available, because they not only assist in convictions, but also save the agencies time and money. Many charges against officers are dropped and/or cases go uncontested as soon as complainants learn the incident was recorded on video. When cases against officers do go to trial, national statistics show that officers are exonerated more than 95 percent of the time when video is part of the evidence.

"Not only do our video systems save officers' jobs and reduce litigation expenses, but our systems are also very popular because they are designed and manufactured in the USA," added Ken McCoy, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Digital Ally, Inc. "The preservation and creation of jobs in the United States is considered to be at the top of the stated list of purposes of the economic stimulus programs. Law enforcement agencies that apply for equipment made in the U.S.A. under the programs should have a distinct advantage in securing funds for department purchases."

About Digital Ally, Inc.

Digital Ally, Inc. develops, manufactures, and markets advanced technology products for law enforcement, homeland security, and commercial security applications. The Company's primary focus is digital video imaging and storage.

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