
Arizona Agency Begins Using New Crime Mapping Tool

RAIDS provides crime data that users can search, filter and analyze via an interactive dashboard. Residents also can sign up for alerts about criminal activity occurring in their neighborhood.

The Scottsdale (Ariz.) PD has begun using a new interactive crime mapping tool called RAIDS Online, the agency announced today.

The tool is geared to Scottsdale residents who have a new, free tool to map and analyze crime activity in their community. The crime mapping tool is available via the web site of RAIDS, which stands for Regional Analysis and Information Data Sharing.

RAIDS provides crime data that users can search, filter and analyze via an interactive dashboard. Residents also can sign up for alerts about criminal activity occurring in their neighborhood.

Crimes listed on the site include both persons and property. The locations are rounded to the hundred block address level to protect victim confidentiality.

The RAIDS website is maintained by Bair Software, which specializes in providing public safety and defense-related agencies with quality research, consulting and software development solutions.

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