Public safety personnel and emergency responders operating on the Texas Wide Area Regional Network (TxWARN) will benefit from the continued promise of open standards technology starting with the ability to incorporate P25 portable and mobile radios from Houston-based Tait Radio Communications.
Technical staff from Harris County, Texas, tested and passed the radios for use on the digital network, allowing users access to Tait's portfolio and the assurance of interoperability knowing the radios have been rigorously tested on the network.
"An immediate benefit to network operators and users who are embracing open standards is the sudden availability of choice," according to Steve Cragg, president of Tait Radio Communications, Americas. "Operators once locked into a single vendor's portfolio are now free to select from a wider range of manufacturers while achieving interoperability, spectrum efficiency and cost economies."
Tait, a long-time advocate of open standards, was one of four inaugural land mobile radio manufacturers to participate in the P25 Compliance Assessment Program (P25 CAP) and operates a P25 CAP program laboratory recognized by the U.S. Federal Government in its Houston, Texas Americas headquarters.
"We're delighted to become a provider to TxWARN and its users. Our customers find Tait to be a company that's eager to listen, easy to do business with, and a provider of high-quality, competitively-priced infrastructure, terminals, applications and services," according to Cragg.