
Casey Anthony Detectives Overlooked Google Search

The Orange County (Fla.) Sheriff's Office has acknowledged its computer investigator missed evidence of a Google search for "full-proof" suffocation methods on the day Casey Anthony's 2-year-old daughter disappeared.

Casey Anthony's booking photo in 2009. Photo: Wikimedia.Casey Anthony's booking photo in 2009. Photo: Wikimedia.

The Orange County (Fla.) Sheriff's Office has acknowledged its computer investigator missed evidence of a Google search for "full-proof" suffocation methods on the day Casey Anthony's 2-year-old daughter disappeared.

A computer in Anthony's home was also used to search for suicide methods, reports CBS News.

Anthony's defense attorney Jose Baez discussed the searches in an interview about his new book covering the murder prosecution following the death of Caylee Anthony. Baez argued that Casey helped father George Anthony cover up Caylee's accidental drowning in the family pool.

Casey Anthony was acquitted of murdering her daughter in 2011.


Casey Anthony Sentenced for Lying to Police

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