
Esri, Geofeedia Add Social Media Analytics to Mapping Software

Esri announced a partnership to incorporate Geofeedia's social media tools into its ArcGIS mapping platform to assist law enforcement during emergency events. The upgrade will give public safety professionals the capability to accurately integrate, monitor, analyze, and visualize live emergency data as events unfold.

Esri announced a partnership to incorporate Geofeedia's social media tools into its ArcGIS mapping platform to assist law enforcement during emergency events.

The upgrade will give public safety professionals the capability to accurately integrate, monitor, analyze, and visualize live emergency data as events unfold.

"Esri is an industry leader and provides the ideal enterprise platform to visualize and analyze real-time social media feeds from Geofeedia," said Phil Harris, Geofeedia's CEO. "Location-based social media data layers from Geofeedia combined with Esri's technology and vast repository of other layers give public safety officials the best combination of real-time intelligence for response efforts."

The real-time data integration, searching and streaming will work across multiple social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, YouTube, and Picasa. Geo-located tweets, photos, and videos can be viewed within the context of digital imagery, street networks, topography, and community base maps. The social data can be mashed up with other information such as public safety assets, city infrastructure, utility networks, hazardous materials, and demographic data.

Additional dynamic data including weather, automated vehicle location, GPS, and traffic video camera feeds can be combined with social and map data. In addition, officers can perform historical social media analysis to identify trends and patterns.

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