N.C. University Introduces Law Enforcement App

The University of North Carolina has developed an investigative mobile app for officers in that state called ASSET (Arrest, Search, and Seizure Electronic Tool), the university announced.

Photo courtesy of UNC.Photo courtesy of UNC.

The University of North Carolina has developed an investigative mobile app for officers in that state called ASSET (Arrest, Search, and Seizure Electronic Tool), the university announced.

The app, which was developed by UNC School of Government professor Jeff Welty, contains vital information about the legal issues officers confront every day, from search warrants to Terry stops to GPS tracking, according to the university.

The app is a quick-reference guide that allows users to navigate using an intuitive table of contents, bookmark frequently used information, view app content offline, and download periodic updates.

The ASSET app can be downloaded at no charge. It's available for Apple iOS devices here. An Android version will be available this summer.

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