
CrimeReports Plus Combines Crime Mapping, Analytics

PublicEngines has introduced CrimeReports Plus, public safety software that combines the CrimeReports public crime map with an internal crime intelligence dashboard.

PublicEngines has introduced CrimeReports Plus, public safety software that combines the CrimeReports public crime map with an internal crime intelligence dashboard.

According to the company, CrimeReports Plus offers better information for everyone from command staff to officers; an agency overview through the dashboard that includes maps, graphs, and roll call functions; dashboard viewing options based on dates and crime types; easy integration with any computer-aided dispatch or records management system; native integration available with PublicEngines online tipping platform TipSoft; and simple, low-cost subscription pricing.

The dashboard is based on PublicEngines' cloud-based CommandCentral Analytics product, which has been deployed in hundreds of agencies.

PublicEngines is making the features of CrimeReports Plus available to its existing customers that currently use CrimeReports, according to the company.

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