
SES Tests Man Down Body Armor Technology

Select Engineering Services (SES) has successfully tested its Man Down Technology (MDT) that mounts to an officer's body armor and calls 911 if the officer becomes incapacitated.

Select Engineering Services (SES) has successfully tested its Man Down Technology (MDT) that mounts to an officer's body armor and calls 911 if the officer becomes incapacitated.

Earlier this year, the company tested the technology using the Meade County, Ky., emergency dispatcher system.

MDT stems from SES' development of a technology called "integrity film" that can be used in numerous life-saving applications. It can be integrated into body armor.

Within 10 seconds of impact, MDT autodials 911 and provides the exact GPS location of the down officer to the 911 dispatcher's screen. Backup is then dispatched with no user input required.

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