
MorphoTrust Secures Trio of Fingerprinting Contracts

MorphoTrust USA (Safran) has secured fingerprinting contracts in Maine, Michigan, and Florida that could yield up to $54 million in revenue over the next six years.

MorphoTrust USA (Safran) has secured fingerprinting contracts in Maine, Michigan, and Florida that could yield up to $54 million in revenue over the next six years.

The contract with the Maine State Police and state's Bureau of Investigation covers a pilot program of fingerprinting services to state agency employees, such as the Department of Education with the initial goal of 10,000 to 15,000 enrollments per year.

This program will free up state resources by giving applicants autonomy to schedule their own appointments with a variety of payment options, such as credit card, debit card, e-check, money order, or personal check. MorphoTrust will also provide its automated criminal history processing and reporting solution, which will significantly improve delivery times and eliminate the need for manual work. The two-year contract can be renewed for an additional three-year period with potential to generate $7.7 million in revenue over the full duration of the contract.

The contract with the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget will provide fingerprinting services and a data interface to all end-using state agencies, including the Michigan State Police; Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs; Michigan Department of Community Health; Michigan Department of Human Service; Michigan Department of State; Michigan Gaming Control Board; and Michigan Department of Corrections.

These agencies will use MorphoTrust's fingerprinting services to conduct background checks on job applicants and existing employees in accordance with Michigan state law. Enrollments are projected to increase from 63,000 to 170,000 applicants per year. The three-year contract is worth over $6.8 million and can be renewed for two, one-year periods.

The contract with the Florida Department of Financial Services covers the fingerprinting of insurance agents statewide. Approximately 68,000 applicants will be fingerprinted per year through a total of 69 third-party enrollment centers in 61 cities across the state. The three-year contract, valued at approximately $600,000 per year, can be renewed for three additional one-year periods. MorphoTrust has been doing fingerprinting work with the State of Florida for more than 10 years.

For each of these contracts, applicants will be fingerprinted at a MorphoTrust IdentoGO Center.

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