The Monterey, Calif., Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) utilizes Pryme Radio speaker microphones on Powerwerx radios in order to maintain emergency communication. CERT assists fire and police relief efforts during natural disasters and under rugged conditions.
According to Pryme, radios with speaker microphones allows for quicker response time and increased reliability in comparison to using cell phones.
The Powerwerx WXRSM speaker microphone built by Pryme is water and impact resistant, which provides volunteers with a reliable product in emergency situations and training, according to the company.
Monterey's CERT uses 50 handheld multi channel radios and 11 fixed base radios with Pryme communication products. Additionally, Pryme says there are also 21 licensed Ham Radio operators in Monterey CERT to help supplement communications.
The radio and equipment supplies are stored in containers throughout the city's 11 neighborhoods in efforts to evenly distribute the supplies and make them easily accessible to all CERT members. The radios are charged with Solar Power at each container site.