MSAB, known for its mobile forensic technology for mobile examination and XRY, has announced its participation in the Crimes Against Children Conference (CACC) in Dallas, TX. Internationally recognized, the Crimes Against Children Conference provides practical and interactive instruction to those fighting crimes against children and helping children heal.
The conference is presented annually by the Dallas Children's Advocacy Center (DCAC) and the Dallas Police Department. The conference is conducted to provide training to those employed by government or nonprofit agencies in the fields of law enforcement, child protective services, social work, children's advocacy, therapy, and medicine who work directly with child victims of crime.
“We are thrilled to be participating in the CAC Conference in Dallas this year,” said MSAB Inc. President, Glenn Hickok. “Collecting digital evidence is often the most critical part in bringing down illicit enterprises and individuals who victimize children. Our core mission at MSAB is to empower those on the front lines with cutting edge digital forensics tools so that they can more effectively investigate, arrest, and convict these types of perpetrators.”
“Likewise, we are thrilled to have MSAB’s partnership,” agreed Lynn M. Davis, DCAC’s President and CEO. “In this age of ever-evolving technology, it is imperative that we stay one step ahead of child predators to keep our children safe.”
For more information, click here.