Intellicheck, known for its real time identification authentication and threat identification technology solutions, has announced that the police officers of a mid-Atlantic police department are now using Age ID to further the enforcement of laws and regulations that prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages and other age restricted products to minors. The state-of-the-art technology solution is used to quickly authenticate driver licenses and other forms of government-issued identification to spot altered and fake IDs.
"In this high-tech age, law enforcement agencies and businesses have a critical need for the right technology to keep age-restricted products like alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco out of the hands of young people. We are seeing expanding adoption of Age ID because it has proven to be an extremely effective and efficient tool for law enforcement agencies and businesses across the country," said Intellicheck Interim CEO Bill White.
The police department's sworn police officers protect the safety of the community, which is also home to a recognized university with an enrollment of more than 30,000 students as well as a large faculty and staff. The department's duties include its work with the alcohol beverage control agency law enforcement division to perform details to check for underage drinking in the community.
Age ID verifies the authenticity of driver licenses and other bar-coded, government issued IDs in real-time. It can be deployed on mobile devices including smartphones and tablets. Powerful, economical and easy to adopt and use, Age ID draws on a comprehensive database, updated on an ongoing basis, to ensure information is timely and accurate. Age ID accurately reads unique DMV barcode formats from every U.S. state and populated territory, all Canadian provinces, and all Mexican States where driver licenses include 2-D barcodes.
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