The NYPD has suspended the use of the Vievu LE-5 body camera after one reportedly "exploded" Saturday. The officer wearing the device saw it smoke and took it off before it ignited and exploded. No one was injured
“The incident revealed a potential for the battery inside the camera to ignite,” the NYPD said in a statement. “The cause and scope of the defect are currently being investigated.”
Vievu was acquired by Axon from Safariland earlier this year. Axon is aiding in the investigation.
Axon spokesperson Steve Tuttle said in a statement:
"NYPD is contracting with an independent third-party forensic consultant to conduct an investigation on the reported camera issue and will share the findings with Axon. We are committed to the success of the NYPD's body-worn camera program and will work closely with them over the following months to ensure this is resolved quickly and safely.
"Axon is conducting a thorough analysis of Vievu's manufacturing supply chain process to ensure that we are providing the highest quality products and services to any agency that has purchased a Vievu camera."
The suspension does not affect the other models of Vievu cameras in use by the NYPD.