CentralSquare announced that it has accelerated the development of an interconnected 911 dispatch system in Georgia, with more than 30 agencies in the Atlanta area already eligible to leverage access to CentralSquare CAD-to-CAD. As a result, CentralSquare says these agencies are gaining real-time situational awareness across their jurisdictions which can cut emergency response time by up to 2 minutes per incident.
Millions of calls come in every year to public safety agencies across America. Yet, due to jurisdictional boundaries and dispatch locations, the closest available unit might not always be the one responding, resulting in valuable time being lost. An interconnected CAD network among public safety agencies helps solve this problem, the company says.
With the interconnected dispatch network, CentralSquare is helping multiple Atlanta agencies on disparate computer aided dispatch software solutions operate and communicate with each other as if they are on a single system—thereby reducing response time and saving lives. The state of Georgia is just one example where CentralSquare has built a readymade network primed for CAD interoperability. More than 30 agencies in the Atlanta metro area already have the foundation required to be included in this interconnected CAD network.
Hundreds of agencies across the United States use CentralSquare CAD-to-CAD to shorten emergency response time. For example, the company says Orange County, CA, has reduced time per request from an average of two-and-a-half minutes to just 15 seconds—saving critical seconds on every drowning, cardiac arrest, and life-threatening emergency.
Seamless CAD-to-CAD connectivity between law enforcement, fire, and EMS agencies can deliver deeper situational intelligence and access to the most up-to-date data during an evolving crisis. With this interconnected dispatch network, CentralSquare aims to erase the lines separating cities, towns, and counties so that critical emergency response information can flow effortlessly and automatically to the closest first responder, expediting emergency response and saving lives.
More information is available at CentralSquare.com.