Tyler Technologies Inc. has announced that the Brownsville Police Department and Laredo Police Department in Texas have selected Tyler's New World public safety and Socrata data platform solutions. The solutions will enable data-driven policing and help the agencies improve information-sharing with neighboring police departments in the region.
The Brownsville PD selected Tyler to replace a 20-year-old legacy computer-aided dispatch (CAD) and records management system. In addition to providing its New World public safety product suite, Tyler will also implement Socrata Data Insights. The police department will use advanced analytics technology to aid in resource and tactics decisions for the agency. Once the solutions are implemented, Brownsville will be able to share information with other Tyler solutions in use in the city, as well as in Cameron County, including Incode court and Odyssey case management. In addition, the police department can manage CAD-to-CAD calls between the city and county, helping to create efficiencies for staff.
Similarly, the Laredo PD
has also selected Tyler's New World public safety product suite and Socrata Data Insights, as well as its Brazos eCitation solution. The solutions will bring advanced analytics to the agency, helping to shape decision-making on resources and tactics. Additionally, the Tyler team will implement a citizen-facing website that will provide local crime information, helping to increase transparency for constituents. By implementing these solutions in the cloud versus on-premises, the agency will benefit from lower maintenance costs and up-to-date technology.
Both police departments will be able to easily share related public safety information with nearby Texas cities in the Rio Grande Valley area who also rely on Tyler's public safety solutions. Connecting this crucial information will allow the agencies to spot trends, reallocate resources as needed, and streamline processes.
"We are pleased to bring our public safety and data platform solutions to these two Texas police departments, and we are eager to demonstrate how technology can help improve their data-driven policing and decision-making," said Bryan Proctor, president of Tyler's Public Safety Division. "The added capability of being able to easily share information with neighboring agencies and jurisdictions will also improve each agency's service to its constituents and help make communities safer together."