
Panasonic i-Pro Announces New In-Vehicle Video System

The ICV4000 offers high-speed processing, wireless networking, new security features, improved image quality and easier deployment, Panasonic i-Pro says.


Panasonic i-Pro Sensing Solutions has announced a new in-car video, the ICV4000. The ICV4000 offers high-speed processing, wireless networking, new security features, improved image quality and easier deployment, Panasonic i-Pro says.

“Panasonic i-Pro in-car video systems for law enforcement and professional security applications have a well-deserved reputation for exceptional reliability and video quality,” said David O’Connor, director of the Public Safety Division for Panasonic i-Pro Sensing Solutions Corp. of America. “Building from that legacy and our extensive experience in professional video recording technology, the ICV4000 is a next-generation in-car video evidence capture solution with higher performance, improved security, and simplified installation.”

The new ICV4000 employs the MPEG-4 recording format, eliminating the need for proprietary media devices and making it easier to share video and audio content with other applications. By eliminating the conversion processes and workflows associated with proprietary video formats, the ICV4000 provides a more streamlined approach to video reviewing and sharing.

The ICV4000 uses new and improved security features such as SSD drive lock and AES/256 data encryption at rest, which ensure that evidence data is completely secure and cannot be accessed or forcibly removed by unauthorized parties.

With several options for front-end cameras, the ICV4000 offers full 1080p HD recording along with a wider field of view and multiple optical/digital zoom levels. "This provides users with superior video evidence quality and ensures that every detail is clearly captured, even under challenging conditions," the company says.

The ICV4000 incorporates embedded Bluetooth and two wireless LAN modules to support integration with Panasonic i-Pro’s BWC4000 body-worn camera. Additionally, the ICV4000 features a consolidated system design that combines multiple system features for reduced vehicle installation time and easier deployment and usability.

For more information, go to Panasonic i-Pro Sensing Solutions.

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