
IACP 2015: Report from the Aisles

The show floor of this year's International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Conference held in Chicago, Oct. 25-27, again was dominated by body-worn cameras and related software and hardware.

Melanie Basich 2012 Headshot

The show floor of this year's International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Conference held in Chicago, Oct. 25-27, again was dominated by body-worn cameras and related software and hardware. That's not to say that other product categories weren't represented. But a good chunk of the more than 650 booths offered technology to help officers capture video evidence, which only makes sense considering the huge national trend to equip law enforcement with these devices.

Here's a look at some products seen at the show, starting with body-worn cameras.

Photo courtesy of Angeltrax/VizucopPhoto courtesy of Angeltrax/Vizucop


For use as a stand-alone or with the VizuCop 360o system, the LE910 Body-Worn Camera, with its wide-angle lens and infrared, records high-quality audio and video to internal storage and displays recordings on a built-in color screen. It's made to be waterproof, dustproof, and shockproof.

Digital Ally

Digital Ally's new one-piece body-worn camera, the FirstVu HD One, has extended battery life and shoots customizable high-definition quality audio and video. When paired with a VuLink the system provides automatic, hands-free recording activation while simultaneously activating Digital Ally's in-car audio/video system. At IACP, Digital Ally also showed its VuVault.Com cloud software, vehicle tracker, and VuVaultGo mobile app that allows officers to control their FirstVu HD via smartphone or tablet.

Photo courtesy of Kustom SignalsPhoto courtesy of Kustom Signals

Kustom Signals

Kustom Signals' new Eyewitness Vantage body-worn camera supports HD as well as SD video resolution and includes a configurable day/night mode and IR LEDs. Files are either transferred directly to Kustom's Eyewitness Data Vault file management system, or if integrated with Kustom’s new Eyewitness HD in-car video system (featuring a 7-inch tablet with intuitive touch screen controller), files can be transferred from the Vantage body camera to the in-car system wired or wirelessly.

Photo courtesy of MotorolaPhoto courtesy of Motorola


The Si500 Video Speaker Microphone (VSM) from Motorola combines real-time video, voice communications, and voice recording, plus still images and emergency alerting in one. It's designed to be worn on the shoulder where officers are used to speaking into their mics, and its T-shape allows for better gripping even when wet. The Si500 VSM integrates with Motorola's Digital Evidence Management Solution (DEMS) and the CommandCentral Vault storage system, as well as the company's other public safety solutions.

Point Blank Enterprises

Point Blank showed its Intelligence Retrievable Incident System (IRIS) body-worn camera at IACP. It features an HD camera for still photos, up to 64GB video storage, and a built-in 2-inch TFT LCD display.  But more notably, Point Blank Enterprises debuted its Alpha Elite Black concealed body armor ballistic package designed to be thin and 17% lighter than its predecessor but still provide Level IIIA protection. It is expected to be available in January 2016.

Reveal Media

Reveal Media showed its RS2-X2 body-worn camera. The RS2-X2 has a 120-degree x 60-degree field of view and features a two-inch screen that displays the video as it is being captured. The display can be temporarily disabled for stealth recording.

Photo courtesy of TaserPhoto courtesy of Taser


TASER chose a futuristic space theme as a backdrop against which to make multiple announcements at the show. TASER debuted its Axon Body 2 body camera featuring unlimited HD, and the Axon Fleet HD in-car video system priced at $499. TASER also announced that in 2016 users will be able to run Axon's on Microsoft's Azure GovCloud.


Utility announced the unveiling of Rocket IoT, a smart patrol car system that fully integrates video captured from In-Car and Utility BodyWorn cameras. Rocket IoT enables police departments to view and manage police without having to sift through files on different platforms.


In addition to its recently announced Automated Video Redaction (AVR) Technology, at IACP VieVu announced two new cameras built on a modular platform, the LE4 and the LE4mini, and a multi-dock portal that allows for automated video uploading without a computer.

Watchguard Video

Along with its Vista HD body-worn camera and the Panoramic X2 HD camera featured in the 4RE in-car video system, Watchguard Video debuted at the show the EvidenceLibrary4Web. This new hybrid evidence library system for body-worn and in-car video is browser based and can share data securely to the cloud. It allows for occasional sharing, such as with a prosecutor, while allowing most data to reside on premises.

Here's a look at some of the many other products seen at this year's IACP show:

5.11 Tactical

5.11 Tactical's new Urban Casualty Response line of bags allows anyone from the individual officer to a medic to carry first-aid and trauma supplies with them on duty.


Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) provider Aeryon Labs announced a technology partnership with Microsoft to include Aeryon SkyRanger within the new Microsoft Advanced Patrol Platform (MAPP) vehicle to provide officers with aerial images for real-time intelligence on the ground.

ATS Armor

ATS Armor showed its torso plates, which measure 9.75 x 12 inches and are shaped into the company's patent pending "QuadCurve" design for comfort and fit. They're available in NIJ Level IIIA, III, III++, or IV hard body armor.

Photo courtesy of CrossmatchPhoto courtesy of Crossmatch


Crossmatch introduced its DigitalPersona Mobile ID Android-based application and its Commander mobile device management software capable of provisioning and administering a fleet of handheld devices.

Photo courtesy of Ekin TechnologiesPhoto courtesy of Ekin Technologies

Ekin Technologies

The Ekin Patrol system from Ekin Technologies contains everything needed for this "intelligent surveillance system" in a custom lightbar, including the cameras needed for speed detection and license plate recognition. The system allows 360 degrees of surveillance on the move and is capable of operating continuously. All vehicles equipped with the Ekin Patrol system are always in communication with each other as well as the control center.

Photo courtesy of FechheimerPhoto courtesy of Fechheimer


Fechheimer's new Flying Cross Layertech outerwear system consists of two shells and three liners made to wear both layered together and apart for different environments, including the Performance Loft Jacket with 37.5 material designed to maintain your body temperature even in cold weather.

Photo courtesy of FlirPhoto courtesy of Flir


FLIR's Fido X2 Handheld Explosives Trace Detector is designed specifically for law enforcement. It uses "tickets" to analyze samples and both beeps and vibrates if it detects explosives or radiation. You can even view instructional videos on the device's display for help with operation.


Hitachi Visualization Suite integrates any video and data sources, including third-party video systems, CAD or 911 systems, license-plate recognition, gunshot sensors, RMS) evidence, and more in your jurisdiction. The cloud-based application uses Microsoft Azure and uses the intel it collects to predict future crime locations.

Laser Technology Inc.

Laser Technology's PicoDigiCam LR is a long-range photo lidar speed enforcement system. It combines the LTI TruPulse Se laser with a digital video camera mounted on a tripod.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions

At IACP, LexisNexis Risk Solutions officially launched its Coplogic Solutions suite, which integrates incident and accident reporting capabilities. Coplogic Solutions integrates LexisNexis eCrash with the properties from recently acquired Coplogic, iyeTek, and PoliceReports.US.


Powered by the Intel Edison board, Mutualink's Wearable Smart Gateway (WSG) is designed to let first responders share multimedia information with command posts and other agencies in real time over secure wide area networks. Data is transmitted from the WSG by tethering it to a mobile phone using any commercial 4G network or to FirstNet, once it becomes available.

North American Rescue

North American Rescue showed its new Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT) Generation 7, available in black or rescue orange. The new model is designed for faster application and easier use while one-handed.


The Safariland Group has an all-new line of ABA Xtreme body armor solutions . The Xtreme ballistic panels feature fabric using DuPont Kevlar KM2 Plus fibers with a proprietary weaving and proprietary material called Core Matrix Technology. The Xtreme models are offered in levels II and IIIA and feature male and female structured and female unstructured designs.


SceneDoc Inc. announced version 3.1.0 of its secure mobile data collection platform, which allows users to embed photos, notes, and diagrams/sketches directly into their forms while completing reports on any mobile device. The company also announced a partnership with Accuweather that automatically populates reports with weather conditions, including humidity.

Seek Thermal

Seek Thermal's Seek CompactXR is a small extended range thermal camera that plugs into the microUSB connector on Android devices and the Lightning connector on iOS devices. It has a manual focus lens for viewing objects at close range, or at distances of up to 1,800 feet. It creates true thermal images with a resolution of 206 x 156, or over 32,000 thermal pixels.


Spillman Nova is designed to offer an affordable way to manage critical information like name records, incident reports, crime analytics, and more, securely in the cloud. Recently updated features include newly enhanced searching capabilities, an internal bulletin board feature, and updated CAD and Jail functionality.

Survival Armor

Survival Armor's new Paladin concealable vest is available in NIJ Level II and IIIA in both male and female designs. In addition to the new 2-pound Dyneema and Twaron ballistic package  both designs feature the company's patented load distributing strapping system. The female design features superimposed stitching and darting for better support and fit.

Ti Training

Ti Training showed its new Ultra World use-of-force simulator system at the show. Ultra World comes with panels to create a configurable shoothouse on which different parts of a scenario can be projected on different walls throughout the house. Multiple projectors placed throughout the space can all be connected to the same system for a seamless realistic training experience.


At IACP, VirTra showcased its judgment training simulators including the V-300, a 300-degree virtual training system for use-of-force preparedness.

About the Author
Melanie Basich 2012 Headshot
Managing Editor
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