Mark KariyaFrom Mark KariyaVehicle OpsSafer by DesignIt's unrealistic to believe all deaths and injuries can be prevented from traffic accidents, of course, but striving toward that goal will undoubtedly help reduce such incidents.March 31, 2008Special UnitsHow to Start a Dive TeamThere are all sorts of things that can take place in or hide in bodies of water. Some will be the result of criminal actions; some will be accidental. Many will require police to respond in order to recover evidence or further an investigation, and this requires personnel specially trained and equipped for such duty: a dive team.April 30, 2005PatrolDive Training: Beyond the BasicsBeyond the basic dive certification that most enthusiasts get from the PADI, an agency will probably have to depend on a more specialized source for training.April 30, 2005Vehicle OpsPicking a Patrol BikeLike civilians, no two police bicycle patrol officers are alike and, when it comes to bike features required or desired, there are few hard and fast rules. In other words, a police patrol bicycle must be affordable, durable, and versatile, but beyond that, one sometimes gets into the realm of purely personal preference.March 31, 2005Vehicle OpsHow To Start a Bicycle Patrol UnitToday, more and more departments all over the world are adding bicycles to their arsenal of tools. Like any new tool or method, of course, barriers must be torn down. In the case of bicycles, the old attitude is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome when starting a bike patrol unit.April 30, 2004Vehicle OpsChoosing the Right BikeAs the years have provided more experience to make better decisions regarding bike purchases, the Los Angeles Police Department has found what works best for its agency.April 30, 2004Vehicle OpsStreet SurvivorsWhile it’s outstanding to survive a crash, it’s even better to avoid one in the first place, and that’s where good training and situational awareness feature heavily. But carmakers and their design teams play a role in officer safety as well. Let’s take a look at what the Big 3 American police car manufacturers are doing to make their cars safer for the nation’s law enforcement personnel.January 31, 2004Vehicle OpsMotor Patrol: Working on Two WheelsThe motorcycle police officer has been an American icon for more than half a century. But contrary to "CHiPs" fantasies, the job is not all glamour, and working a police shift on two wheels is just as tough, if not tougher, than working the same shift in a patrol car.January 31, 2004Vehicle OpsGrand Theft Cop CarComplacency can kill. Whether it's something as mundane as not wearing your seat belt while driving or not wearing body armor during a high-risk entry, failure to take preventive measures can have disastrous results.September 30, 2003Vehicle OpsATV Training for CopsGiven the increasing sophistication of today’s criminals and crime, it’s no surprise that today’s law enforcement agencies are fighting back by employing a staggering array of tools. This includes not only computerized hardware and software, but weapons (including less-than-lethal options, of course), training and vehicles, among other items.November 30, 2001Page 1 of 1