David Griffith and Melanie HamiltonFrom David Griffith and Melanie HamiltonPatrolIACP 2007: Best of ShowMost of the police executives flying into New Orleans for October's International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) trade show and conference probably had no idea what to expect.November 30, 2007Special UnitsTREXPO East 2007: History LessonsWhat can today's cop learn from the misfortune of ancient Greek infantry? Plenty, according to Siddle.September 30, 2007TechnologyIACP 2005: Best of ShowThe last few years it has seemed that the exhibitors at the International Association of Chiefs of Police were escaping from a computer expo. There was so much eye-glazing tech-geek jargon going on at one recent IACP that we honestly had to check to see that we hadn’t somehow walked into a computer show by mistake.October 31, 2005Page 1 of 1