Shelly Feuer DomashFrom Shelly Feuer DomashSpecial UnitsTaking on the Drug WarIn 1971, President Richard Nixon declared what he called a modern-day war on drugs, calling it "America's Public Enemy Number One." Since then, police departments all over the country have been fighting that war, without a foreseeable end.October 31, 2006PatrolThe Forgotten CasualtiesFive years later many cops are still recovering from wounds and injuries they suffered on 9/11.August 31, 2006PatrolHow to Crack Down on Street RacingStreet racing of automobiles has been an American tradition since the early 1950s and probably long before. It’s not hard to imagine the first owners of Model T Fords staring each other down as they ran their “Tin Lizzies” down the rutted roads of the early 20th century. But the hey-day of street racing was the “I Like Ike” era when kids in souped-up Chevys and Fords would race for car titles and teenage glory.May 31, 2006Special UnitsTaking Gangs to TaskNew York detective Ricky Smith has devoted his life to battling for control of the streets.January 31, 2006PatrolCoping with the MassesIn April, as the world watched millions of people descend on Vatican City for the funeral of Pope John Paul II, few would have realized that they were watching the inspiration for the crowd management tactics employed by America’s largest police force.May 31, 2005PatrolMarket ReportEconomically speaking, street drugs and club drugs are commodities. They are mass-produced products subject to fluctuations in price due to changes in supply and demand. The way you track the demand on a commodity is to check its market value. But there’s no organized commodity market for illegal drugs, so to gauge demand you have to do a little research, you have to talk to the people who know the drug market.April 30, 2005Special UnitsAmerica's Most Dangerous GangThere was a message in two recent gang murders for the people of Long Island. And that message was that gang violence had moved into the upper middle class enclaves of the Island, into the kinds of communities where the locals assume that crime is somebody else’s problem. Mara Salvatrucha 13 (MS-13) is unfortunately becoming everybody’s problem.January 31, 2005PatrolCharity and CheerIn one afternoon a few cops helped 200 children see that the police aren’t the bad guys after all. They hoped the kids learned that there are kind and generous people in their world, and some of them are in blue uniforms.November 30, 2004PatrolHow to Work with the FedsIf federal agencies have problems cooperating and sharing information, how can local law enforcement work with them? The answers are certainly not simple, and may depend on just who is doing the answering.August 31, 2004PatrolFederal AidImproved cooperation between Marshals and local cops is the goal of a new federal initiative that was established after 9/11.April 30, 2004Page 1 of 3Next Page