Dr. Lawrence HeiskellFrom Dr. Lawrence HeiskellTechnologyFive Minutes to LiveEducating cops how to save themselves and others in dire medical emergencies when seconds count is the goal of a new interactive training program from the The Backup Training Corp.October 31, 2004PatrolSave Your HideSkin cancer is by far the most common cancer in the world. Most cases can be cured, but the disease is now a major health problem. Law enforcement personnel in the field, especially those in high-risk areas of the United States, are at risk for developing what can be a fatal form of cancer.November 30, 2000PatrolAlcoholism: Equal Opportunity DiseaseNearly 100,000 Americans die each year as a result of alcohol abuse. Alcohol is a factor in more than half of the nation's homicides, suicides and traffic accidentsMay 31, 2000Page 1 of 1