Lois PilantFrom Lois PilantPatrolHow to Work with Resort SecurityPrivate security is one of this country’s biggest growth industries, bringing in billions of dollars every year and ranking as one of the fastest growing sectors in the global economy. In the last decade it accounted for the largest number of new jobs; it has grown so fast that security officers now outnumber police officers 3 to 1.June 30, 2004PatrolStrategic ModelingL.A. County's Terrorism Early Warning group was the brainchild of two L.A. Sheriff's Department officers who saw a threat in the rhetoric of a then little-known Islamist radical named Bin Laden. It was August 1996 and Osama had just issued his first fatwa, urging his followers to conduct global terrorist attacks against the United States and its citizens.April 30, 2004PatrolBattlefield MedicineSince police officers are routinely the first to arrive on the scene of a car wreck or a gun battle, they need something more effective than a tourniquet or a pressure bandage. And several companies are now competing for that business with hemostats that they claim will stop bleeding in seconds.February 28, 2003PatrolYour Worst NightmareTalk to Officer Don Gause, an eight-year veteran of the Myrtle Beach (S.C.) Police Department, and he'll tell you that a needle stick or accidental exposure to HIV, hepatitis, or any other bloodborne pathogen is absolutely his greatest fear.October 31, 2002PatrolDefense DollarsMost cities and counties have increased police and fire funding since 9-11, but in many cases, budget bumps can barely meet newly established needs.September 30, 2002TechnologyThe Fifth ElementWelcome to the new battleground. Called "fifth-dimensional battlespace," it takes the old three-dimensional battlefield (the spatial dimensions of length, width, height or depth of an area), and the temporal dimension of time, and adds the fifth dimension of cyberspace.July 31, 2002Page 1 of 1