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Section: Point of Law
Point of Law
Point of Law: Using Pole Cameras for Surveillance
Your ability to use cameras to monitor suspects in publicly visible areas without a warrant was recently upheld in the First Circuit.
April 29, 2021
Point of Law
Point of Law: Training is No Laughing Matter
Trying to inject humor into police training, especially use-of-force training, can be a terrible mistake.
April 7, 2021
Point of Law
Point of Law: Excessive Force and Failure to Intervene
In Alston v. Swarbrick, Florida deputies faced potential claims of wrongful arrest, unreasonable use of OC spray, and "bystander liability."
March 3, 2021
Point of Law
Editorial: Attacking Qualified Immunity
Activists have launched a political and legislative campaign to make it even easier to sue you.
March 2, 2021
Point of Law
Should Your Agency Resurrect the Use-of-Force Continuum?
When seconds mean lives and officers and other public safety professionals are responding from all directions, it's critical that someone shows leadership.
August 19, 2020
Point of Law
Point of Law: Using the Baton
Your agency's use-of-force policy needs to specify when the baton can be used, the legal justification for its use, and what to do afterward.
August 3, 2020
Point of Law
The Law and the LEOSA Carry Right
The Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act says that officers and retired officers can carry concealed in all areas of the United States. But it's not that simple.
July 1, 2020
Point of Law
Know the Limits of Your First Amendment Rights
Law enforcement officers can be disciplined for speaking their minds. Here's a primer on how the First Amendment covers and doesn't cover you on the job.
April 24, 2020
Point of Law
Using Electronic Control Weapons
Your agency's policy needs to specify in what situations ECWs can be used and the responsibilities of officers for gathering evidence after use.
March 27, 2020
Point of Law
Tactics and Training: Thoughts on Use of Force
Is the law on use of force really changing? What is science saying about bias? What can you do to be safer on the job?
November 13, 2019
Point of Law
When Can You Extend a Traffic Stop?
A K-9 sniff of a suspect's car led to a drug conviction and a 7th Circuit ruling on traffic stop length.
November 12, 2019
Point of Law
Citizen Video Audits: Know Their Rights...And Yours
There are people who make a living off of filming you and baiting you into taking actions that violate their rights. Knowing the law is your best defense.
October 9, 2019
Point of Law
Tactics and Training: Legal Grounds for Using Force
Some agencies have policies and training that are not current with the law.
June 14, 2019
Point of Law
Controversial Legislation: The California Compromise
Golden State politicians wanted to make "necessary" the standard for police to use deadly force, but they settled for "reasonable."
June 14, 2019
Point of Law
Officer, Am I Free to Go?
Without reasonable suspicion or probable cause, you cannot legally detain a subject during a consensual contact.
June 13, 2019
Point of Law
Affidavits: Just the Facts
Embellishing the truth on an affidavit is a good way to be held liable for damages in a lawsuit.
May 23, 2019
Point of Law
Detention Incident to Execution of Search Warrant
The Supreme Court has ruled that you can't detain someone who has left the immediate vicinity of the premises where you plan to execute a search warrant, just because you are executing the warrant.
March 5, 2019
Best of POLICE: Our 12 Most Popular Articles
We're doing a new kind of index in this Buyer's Guide issue in the form of a gallery of our 12 most popular articles based on website visits.
June 22, 2018
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