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Cellular Specialties Addresses 4G/LTE Capacity Issues at IWCE

An executive with Cellular Specialties Inc. (CSI) will discuss wireless-network capacity and 4G/LTE issues for public safety today at the International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE) in Las Vegas.

An executive with Cellular Specialties Inc. (CSI) will discuss wireless-network capacity and 4G/LTE issues for public safety today at the International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE) in Las Vegas.

CSI's Mike Altman, director of business development, will appear at the 2 p.m. panel at the AGL Western Regional Conference, which is part of IWCE at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Altman will take part in "DAS, Wi-Fi and Small Cells Kick Up the Capacity," which will explore cost-effective technologies which can increase wireless network capacity and data speeds.

"Whether at a sporting event, an entertainment venue, on a college campus or other public venue, more and more people using smart phones," Altman said in a release. "As a result, wireless network operators face overloaded and subsequently poor-performing systems. There are a number of solutions to this problem and Cellular Specialties is well-positioned to provide those to our customers."

Representatives from Cellular Specialties will also be on hand at IWCE to discuss Cellular Specialties' wireless product offerings.

"The proliferation of 4G/LTE and enhancements to public safety are two of the biggest issues facing the wireless industry today," said Stephen Sweeney, CSI's product sales manager for the western division. "4G/LTE digital repeaters, which improve LTE coverage indoors, and Co-Pilot Beacon Transmitters, which enhance E911 services by increasing in-building caller location accuracy, both of which will be featured in our IWCE booth, will play a big part in the advancement of both of those important issues."

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