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N.M. Officer Tweeted About Pistol Whippings

The Albuquerque (N.M.) Police Department is investigating one of its detectives for tweets where he discussed pistol whipping and killing Muslims.

The Albuquerque (N.M.) Police Department is investigating one of its detectives for tweets where he discussed pistol whipping and killing Muslims.

The investigation of Det. Pete Dwyer's use of Twitter comes a day after the agency decided not to discipline the officer for a different, incendiary comment on his MySpace page.

Two of Det. Dwyer's tweets were reported by local news media outlets:

"Next person that says 'imma' instead of 'I am going to' I'm going to pistol whip."

"The Muslims are like Chinook salmon. Life's great till the SEALS show up!"

Source: New Mexico Independent

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