Officer Safety: Wristband Handcuff Key

Viewing these photos, you can see how a detainee could quickly give himself an escape route from your cuffs, so you'll want to make sure you look for this during your thorough search.

Paul Clinton Web Headshot

Officers, deputies and state troopers who regularly detail subjects should be aware of a common wristband now being sold at flea markets that includes a secret handcuff key.

This officer-safety tip comes to POLICE Magazine from John S. Negus, who retired from the NYPD as a sergeant in the Intelligence Division. Negus now serves as the vice president of protective operations with the International Protection Group and has been a security consultant for more than 34 years.

OK, back to the safety tip.

Viewing these photos, you can see how a detainee could quickly give himself an escape route from your cuffs, so you'll want to make sure you look for this during your thorough search.

The bracelets don't always include a handcuff key. However, officers need to be away of this so you can check prisoners when you place handcuffs on them. If in doubt, remove the bracelet from the prisoner after placing handcuffs on them. Turn in the bracelet to the booking officer, when you arrive at the jail.

The bracelet opens with a plastic clasp that when unlatched revealed its hidden prize.

The keys are plastic, so they will not show up on X-rays. The key has been shown to open a pair of handcuffs. With a little practice, one can be handcuffed and still access the key in the bracelet.

The plastic latching mechanism contains the key, which can then be disconnected from the latch.

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